Wayprep® is an Environmentally Friendly Cleaner


Earth Friendly ProductMachine Tool Groups is dedicated to a better environment. The machine cleaner “Wayprep®” that we sell for our Slydrite application process is a completely environmentally friendly product. Yes, it can be used with any linear bearing material to pre-clean parts, but under the label is a great, all around industrial tar and grease remover. In testing here at our facility with our parent company Machine Tool Service & Training Group, Inc on machine rebuilds, it was used in simple spray bottles at full strength as well as diluted in warm water 80/20 and 70/30. It worked fantastically and better than most other environmental cleaners we have used. Wayprep® cleaner comes in quarts and gallons ready to ship anywhere. Larger quantities are available upon request.

Wayprep - Quart BottleWayprep - Gallon Bottle


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