Turcite® X Rod - Technical Data: Typical Properties

General Properties of Turcite® X Rod U.S. Customary Units Test Standard Value English Value Metric
Specific Gravity   D 792 1.46 1.46
Water Absorption, 24 hrs. @ 73º F (23º C) % D 570 .20 .20
Rockwell Hardness M scale D 785 63 63
Color     RED RED
Mechanical Properties of Turcite® X Rod Unit Test Standard Value English Value Metric
Tensile Strength @ Break psi D 638 5,900 41 MPa
Compressive Strength psi D 695 12,000 82.7 MPa
Elongation at break % D 638 19.0 19.0
Flexural Strength psi D 790 8,000 55 MPa
Flexural Modulus psi D 790 335,000 2.3 GPa
Izod Impact Strength (Notched) -lb/in Ft D 256 .54 Ft–lb/in 29.0 J/m
Izod Impact Strength (Unotched) -lb/in Ft D 256 8.0 Ft–lb/in 427 J/m
Thermal Properties of Turcite® X Rod Unit Test Standard Value English Value Metric
Continuous Service Temp. ºF   180º F 82º C
Deflection Temperature, at 264 psi (1.82 MPa) ºF D 648 203º F 95º C
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion
73º F to 212º F (23º C to 100º C)
  D 696 5.2in/ (in ºF)*10-5 9.4m (m ºC)*10-5
Tribological Unit Test Standard Value English Value Metric
Wear Factor @ 73º F (23º C to 100º C) * * 20 In/ (psi*fpm*hr)*10-10 242 mm/ (*KPa*hr)*10-10
Dynamic Coeffiecient of Friction
(Non Lubricated)
* * .22 .22
Limiting PV * * 42,000 psi *fpm 88.2 MPa*m/min